I made this new work for Exciting Virtuals, an exhibition that took place in Drama, Greece, after being invited by curator Georges Jacotey.
The Exciting Virtuals is a group exhibition of video designed to bring the public of Drama in contact with works of young artists from around the world, works that incorporate the excitement of a continuous experimentation with new media and the increasing commitment to the process of post-production as a key part of their production. The video, due to its liquidity as a medium and the continuous technological developments, has evolved into one of the major art forms in recent decades. Ongoing technological developments bring artists constantly confronted with new data to explore. The multiple channels of expression that computers and software offer, as well as a wealth of material that overflows the internet, have not only begun to displace the use of the camera and the traditional real time shooting, but they are also factors that favor the development of an interesting diversity coexisting and evolving between online and physical spaces.Such a diverse coexistence, between 13 artists, is attempted by the 35th International Short Film Festival of Drama as a noble effort for dialogue between the art of video and cinema.
Helen Adamidou, Anthony Antonellis, Kim Asendorf, Andrew Benson, Jennifer Chan, Emilio Gomariz, Georges Jacotey, Marcus Latcham, Rollin Leonard, Sara Ludy, Lorna Mills, Yoshi Sodeoka, Matthew Underwood
Inspired by Kenneth Goldsmith's uncreative practice, I made this work by appropriating two databases; Xtube and IMDB. Attracted to the banality of the two sources I overlaid video and text to create this work.
(XTube is a Netherlands-based pornographic video hosting service which allows users to share adult video content.)